Since you are reading this, you must be wealthy in time. Therefore, I won't feel so guilty to waste your time.Introduction:
Have you ever spent any time wondering what is the meaning of life? Why our life is the way it is? Where the cosmos came from? When is the beginning of time? Will there be an end? Are there ultimate limits to what humans can know?Still introduction:
If you haven't thought about those life and cosmos questions and think you can find some clues in here, well.....ahh...... If you did think about those questions and have actually come up with answers, here is the right place for you. What kind of people will have time to think about these questions? Probably not those who are busy and have a meaningful life.Answers:
How did Newton discover the law of gravity? How did Aristotle found the earth was a round sphere? Why did his student, Alexander want to conquer the world? Did they go to library and do a research? No, they didn't! Newton was bored while he was sitting under a tree taking a nap, dreaming about apple pie and accidentally got hit by a fallen apple. Aristotle was bored. At that time, the only entertainment at night was watching the sky (probably they didn't have TV in the Athens Lyceum). At age 13, Alexander the Great who didn't have any Nintendo and Sega in Macedonia figured it out that conquering the world might be a good entertainment to kill boredom for kids at his age.Conclusions:
If those scientists or leaders were too busy, they won't have time to watch the sky, observing the disappearing of the sailboat, sitting under an apple tree or dreaming about conquering the world. Only when we are bored and have nothing to do, we will suddenly come up with all those great theory and philosophy. If you are still reading this, I congratulates you. With enough boredom and sufficient intelligent, you might become Newton, Aristotle, Alexander, Copernicus, Ptolemy, Princess Diana, Bill Clinton or other great people you can imagine..... My conclusion, our civilization is totally depended on people who are seriously bored (like yourself).Goal of the Abandoned Sites:
The goal of the Abandoned Sites is to have sites which once created will be abandoned and never updated. It saves time in maintenance and therefore maximize the time for creativity.Copyright and disclaimer
I don't know why we need a copyright notice, but since everyone is doing it, there must be a good reason to have it. O.K., all these contents are written and copyrighted by , who reserved all rights to this site and won't be responsible for anything you can think of.Emails:
Did I actually read those emails that people sent me? Yes, I did. Some of them are discouragement, some of them are encouragement. I saved all of them. Few of them got my reply but all of them got my respect. Good or bad, clean or dirty they will stay alive as long as my hard drive live. I didn't compress those emails, because I don't think it is humane to do that. With or without reason, you can always me.The end:
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