giant kilimanjaro mosquito, insects

The mosquitos are insects which make up the family Culicidae. They have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of diseases.

Length varies but is rarely greater than 16 mm (0.6 inch), and weight up to 2.5 mg (0.04 grain). A mosquito can fly for 1 to 4 hours continuously at up to 1�2 km/h travelling up to 10 km in a night. Most species are nocturnal or crepuscular (dawn or evening) feeders. During the heat of the day most mosquitos rest in a cool place and wait for the evenings. They may still bite if disturbed.

Direction Drive 271.56 km or 4.53 hrs north west from last photo
Location Kilimanjaro, East Africa, Tanzania, Africa
Info F 5.6 1/30 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
Itinerary . feeling: neutral, slighly upbeat
Country Tanzania State East Africa
City Kilimanjaro Weather Misty
Continent Africa Day Mandara to Horombo
Activity tea time Feeling neutral
Temp 10 User Comment
Date 2007:10:21 20:52:10 Make Canon
Model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi Width 1215
Height 911 Flash On, Fired
Focal 85.0 mm Exposure 1/30
F Number 5.6 ISO 100
White Bal. Auto Program Shutter speed priority AE
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 69.49 m
Latitude -3.13915833333333 Longitude 37.4386055555556
Altitude 3723.323232 m File Size 1019 kB
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