immature gret heron, herons

The Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea is a wading bird of the heron family Ardeidae, native throughout temperate Europe and Asia and also parts of Africa. It is resident in the milder south and west, but many birds retreat in winter from the ice in colder regions.

It is a large bird, standing 90-100 cm tall, with a 175-195 cm wingspan and a weight of 1-2 kg. Its plumage is largely grey above, and off-white below. Adults have a white head with a broad black supercilium and slender crest, while immatures have a dull grey head. It has a powerful pinkish-yellow bill, which is brighter in breeding adults. It has a slow flight, with its long neck retracted (S-shaped). This is characteristic of herons and bitterns, and distinguishes them from storks, cranes and spoonbills, which extend their necks.

Location Jinja, East Africa, Uganda, Africa
Info F 5.6 1/250 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
Country Uganda State East Africa
City Jinja Near River Nile
Continent Africa Day Jinja
Activity Samuka Island Boat Ride Tour GAP (Great Adventure People)
Date 2007:09:23 13:19:47 Make Canon
Model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi Width 2308
Height 1731 Flash Off, Did not fire
Focal 300.0 mm Exposure 1/250
F Number 5.6 ISO 100
White Bal. Auto Program Aperture-priority AE
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 865.65 m
Latitude 0.414055555555556 Longitude 33.2044972222222
Altitude 72.28292047 m File Size 1687 kB
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