naitonal archive
the murumbi trust Ethopian is like comic strip, telling stories in panels This tells the story of the history meeting and union of legendary king solomn from Jerusalem, with Queen Sheeba. Their union produced King Menelik.
National archive is in Nairobi, Kenya.
It's well worth a visit. Paintings and sculptures. The 2nd floor was a photo gallery for propaganda only. No photographs on the second floor, which I don't care anyway.
It was located south of downtown, across the street from the bus and Internet station.
For precise location, please download the POI from the upper right hand corner.
This painting is done with done with ink and pen
born to a king, they argue, she leaves palace meet hunter, they agree to marry if he does not ridicule her and if she does not cook a certain leaves, they argue, he calls her you know what, she cook the leaf, she leaves, loses her way, turns into a river the king was happy, he now has a river and no four breasted daughter