mega city rio
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas Walk Around the lake is 7500m The area surrounding the lake is safe and pleasant, day and night... At evening, the trail is lighted, full of joggers and bikers and coconut sellers. The coconut drinks are cheap, from 2 to 3 Real. Walk or jog the 7500m, then enjoy a coconut, what a way to conclude a 7 week trip.
THE ANTARTIC STATION COMANDANTE FERRAZ Brazil established the Station Commandant Ferraz in 1984. It was designed with containers and the constructed area has 2.250 square meters. We do biological, eteorologicat and oceanographic researches and our staff is about 53 people, who stay around 13 months at the station. Please look at the red light on the map. It is the King George s Island, where our station is located.
(I didn't take any photos of these exhibits as they are mainly propaganda materials)