salar-day 2
We visited the colonial ruins of San Antonio, also known as Ghost Town, the Torre�n, Laguna Morej�n, Quetena, where there is the hot springs of Chalviri, Laguna Polques to Laguna Verde, at the foot of the Volcano Licancabur (5960 m), Then we cross the Desert of Dali with shapes of burned trees. From there, we go up to 5000m. until The �Sol de Ma�ana� geysers, volcanic craters with effusions of sulfur vapors and heavy water. Arrival to Laguna Colorada at night.
Ghost town:
According to legend, here lives the Diablo. Every day, he counts the sand. When he finishes counting sand, the world will end. Luckily, every night, the sand he counts will blow back to the same place, so our world won�t be ending any time soon (until the Diablo develop some electronic sand counting technology).
Also according to legend, the people who lives here goes mad.