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Final Fantasy X-2 The following report compares gadgets using the SERCount Rating (base on the result count from the search engine). |
POPULAR HAT - 2006-02-13 11:41:00 | © Copyright 2004 - www.hat.net () | sitemap | top |
Unfortunately, FFX 2, is not in the same league with it's predecessor.
Graphics: 3 - Ok this game is every bit as beautiful as FFX, but not better. In 2001 this was amazing. In 2003 they are old news.
Sound: 1 - Annoying! Plain annoying. First of all, 90% of the game has the exact same music throughout. And the loops are very short. Normally I don't care about the music in a FF game that much--I usually end up blocking it out, because I'm so wrapped up in the game. Here it is impossible to ignore, unless you want to use mute and miss out on the voice acting.
Which brings us to the other annoying factor in sound. The voice acting is terrible. At times I felt like I was playing a video game version of "Spice World" set in a fantasy world. Rikku was one of the highlights of FFX. In FFX 2, she has become Britney Spears. Yuna isn't much better.
Plot: 1 -- Plotwise, you'd be better off watching "Charlies Angels," as it doesn't require you to waste as much time. Where FFX had a moving story, this one is about style over substance all the way. Well there is Brother's crush on Yuna, which is kind of bizarre seeing as how they are first cousins.
Game Play: 2 - Some actually like the new battle system, over the old one. I say if it aint broke, don't fix it. Basically, in this one battles are in real time, which means you'll take a lot of damage if you try to plan out a strategy. Even if you slow down the ATB and set it to wait mode, you still don't have much time to plan. There are no limit breaks either. I did like the function that allows you to completely turn off the dress sphere change animations, as they can get old very quickly.
The dress spheres are another problem. Instead of advancing in levels to learn new skills, you equip dress spheres. It's annoying to be in a battle and have to change professions in the middle of it all, because you've got three warriors but need a healer. The old sphere grid was a much better concept.
Overall, I'd say only play this game if you are a fan of the whole series. Even then expect to be disapointed. If you haven't played FFX stay away from this one, as it will be too confusing.
Personally, I found I couldn't play this one for more than an hour at a time--it's just too goofy and boring. Quiet frankly, midway through the game I no longer cared about what happened to Tidus. Square is capable of much better than this, and hopefully this flop isn't a sign of things to come.