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It was white --

It was fluffy --

It was -- it was as white and fluffy as a sheep--

Indeed, it was a sheep--

Well, at least it looked very much like a sheep.

Didn't know whether to laugh or be surprised, the lawyer stared at the sheep foolishly, like a motionless hamster hypnotized by the evil magic of a cobra. His mouth opened but words winced back to his throat.

It was the sheep who first broke the ice. "It's me you've forgotten." Its green eyes is now more dolorous than evil.

The lawyer still stood with no words.

The sheep continued, "forgetfully, you left me out, so here I came to seek your help."

"Help?" the lawyer finally struggle out with one word and then some. "How… how can a humble lawyer help you?"

"Be mercy on me, count me in," answered the sheep.

It was hard to tell from the lawyer's face whether he was confused. But his tone gradually became calm and natural.

"Who the hell are you?" the lawyer demanded.

"Me is the sheep who guided you to your dream. " The lawyer contemplated, gesturing the sheep for more explanation. So it did, "Hot and humid last night it was. Harder had you tried, yet no sleep could you get. From one to six hundred and sixty five, you counted the sheep. Fallen into dreams, you left me out. The orphan I was, no grazing, no home. O my friend! Mercy on me! Count me in! Count to six hundred and sixty six. "

The lawyer seemed to be enlightened. "O yes, you're the last sheep I was counting to help myself to fall asleep last night. Yes, I did forget to count you in… or…" there was a sudden change in his tone, "did I?"

"My friend," the sheep pleaded; "you did. Mercy on me, count me in."

"Wait! But there was something else, something important I've forgotten…" the lawyer said thoughtfully while trying to remember, like a person using a string and gum to fish out a diamond ring through the small opening of a gully.

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