Don't click here!


Thanks for all those good-hearted readers of this site. Now, you can pick you favorite language to understand DO NOT CLICK HERE. .

* C h o i c e
Warning: As a language idiot, I won't be responsible for anything you read below:
  1. English: Do not click here! Translation: Do not click here.
  2. Swedish: Var vänlig och klicka inte här. Of course it is from Sweden
  3. Calvin: Ack Iganat UnKgatrik! Don't bother to find this country on earth.
  4. Dyslexia: oD ton licck reeh If you are one of them...
  5. German: Bitte nicht weitergehen! I have seen this sentence on the Berlin Wall before someone pulled it off.
  6. Hungarian: Ne kattints ide! East European style of do not click here.
  7. Norwegian: Ikke klikk her!! Norway: Area 323,886 sq km, Population 4,131,000 -- I am pretty knowledgeble.
  8. Someone's language: Butter has not yet arrived. Sounds rhythmical.
  9. Ghetto slang: ya'll besta not be clickin Einstein might know this.
  10. Spanish: El do not-o click-o here-o It-o looks-o exactly-o like-o Spanish-o.
  11. Spanish: No apprete aca! This one looks more like Spanish.
  12. French: N'appuyez pas ici! Professional French!
  13. Dutch: Niet here clicken! Very Dutchy.
  14. Dutch: klik niet hier! Kingdom of Netherlands was established in 1814 -- I deserve an A in history!
  15. Unknown Language: klicka inte haer!! Sounds like Dutch with some typo.
  16. French: Ne cliquez pas ici! Maybe I shouldn't skip my French class...
  17. Icelandic: EKKI SMELLA HÉR ! Wish I could go to Iceland this weekend, my office is really hot.
  18. Irish: Ná cur do lámh anseo!! Almost got a general protection fault when I compiled this sentence.
  19. Portuguese (Brazil): Não Aperte Aqui! Country of the soccer..
  20. German: Ein nacht der kleiderhausen! Maybe this one was on the East side of the Berlin Wall, I think someone confirm that this is not really German
  21. Esperanto: Ne klakas xci tie I am amazed that someone know this language!
  22. Chinese: FaChinWuAn Use your imagination if you don't understand Chinese.
  23. Hebrew: Al Tilchatz cahn The Bible say: Do not click here.
  24. Erotica: Please do not cLICK me her - it tickles... Don't click here if you are under 21.
  25. Pig Latin: oda otna ickkla ereha I finally figured it out...
  26. Pig latin, its O DAY OT NAY LICK CAY ERE HAY Different kind of pig.
  27. Latin: Clickus non domainus! Sounds more Latin than the above one.
  28. Latin: Nolite tangere hunc Who is right, who is wrong? Only God (or someone who speak Latin) will know.
  29. binary: 001110010101001110101110101001010110 I typed this in my computer and it understood!
  30. Klingon: naDev yIwIvbe' After all, it is an Universal Village.
  31. Swedish: Tryck inte haer!!! The beautiful Swedish.
  32. Korean: ?GOAv86???d? Nothing wrong with your monitor, you are just not using Korean Widnows.
  33. Some Language: Er Ehkc Ilcto Nod!!! Translation: Er Ehkc Ilcto Nod
  34. Korean: Yeoki Nuruji Maseyo !! Make me think of ginseng.
  35. Polish: Nie nacisnij tego Population, 37,063,000
  36. Polish: Przypatrznoscie - dziura w moscie - byscie ino - nie wpadloscie! Well, at least some of the words mean do not click here.
  37. German: Hier nicht klicken! Germans like beer?
  38. Swiss German: N=F6t do klicke! It looks like the derived equation of E=MC^2
  39. Esperanto: Ne klaketu &ccircumflex;i tien. I supposed everyone understand this..
  40. Dutch: Het is streng verboden hier te klikken Another kind of Dutch.
  41. Dutch: HIER NIET OP KLIKKEN A majority language in this page.
  42. In Danish: Klik endelig IKKE her The chair I am sitting on is made in Denmark.
  43. Vermont: Hey Henry, what is clicking? Translation: Do not click here.
  44. Norwegian: Ikke klikk her!!! Now I collect all the Scandinavia countries..
  45. Russian: Ne sholkajte sjuda Area 17,070,949 sq km.
  46. Czech: Tady nezmacknete Almost collect half of the countries in Europe
  47. Finnish: Älä paina tästä I think it looks better with so many dots.
  48. Turkish: Buraya basmayin Hmmm thanks giving...
  49. Canadian: Do not click here Biggest country in the world (unless Quebec want to separate)
  50. Afrikaans (South Africa): Moenie hier KLICK nie! This page is more and more international
  51. Bologna (Italy): brisa spenzar que Do they have Pizza Hut in Italy?
  52. Italian: Non cliccare qui Can I use this to call pizza?
  53. Marathi (Indian): Ithe click karu naka Language of the Yoga Master.
  54. Japanese: Mou Yamete click here He didn't translate the whole sentence.
  55. Punjabi: OYA PahnChodah Eathay Bundh Na Mara! From Punjabi Republic (India)!
  56. Transmontano: Não Empurrezo Botão! It is a long country because it has a long name
  57. Indoenesian: Dilarang menekan ini If you click here, your currency will fall.
  58. Tibetan: 'dir ma Kalik dang Dali-lama said, clicking is not enlightenment.
  59. Javanese: Ojo mencet iki The native language of your Java applet.
  60. Computer: You.Behavior = (You.ClickHere) ? Bad : Good; Programmed by a professional software engineer.
  61. Czech: NEMACKEJTE TADY! Tady, tady, I wonder what is the difference between this taddy and that taddy.
  62. Philipines - Tagalog: Huwag mong pindotin ito Country of a thousand islands.
  63. HINDI: Yean han muth ja'ao Shiva, Lord of Destruction, said - don't click.
  64. Estonian: Ära siia vajuta The Teutonic Knights also thought clicking is not allowed.
  65. Vermontese: You can't click there from here In case you don't know, Vermont is in the US, not in Vietnam.
  66. Dutch (most literal): niet hier klikken If you fall into a Dutch canal, here is something you can say to call for help.
  67. Danish: Undgå at trykke her I like their cookies.
  68. Romanian: Nu apasa aici Where Dracula (Prince Vlad) was a lawful citizen.


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